Thursday, June 19, 2014

Holy Cannoli!

It seems there is a first time for everything, even at my age.  I can't believe I made cannoli!   My Uncles were in the Pastry business in Manhattan,  so there was never a need to make a pastry in my house.  I ate so many as a child, it was the furthest thing from my mind. 
I woke up determined to make Cannoli.  I have no idea why.  They are unavailable in this areas as Pastry shops are non existent here.  I decided to give it a try.  How complicated could it be anyway?  What a wonderful surprise.  It brought back such memories.   If I can do it, you can too.  Enjoy!

Makes 12-15 / 4 inch Cannoli Shells

Ingredients:  For the shells
one package of Metal Tubes (sold in sets of 4)

1 plus 1/3 cup unbleached flour ( 1/4 cup for you board or counter)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon shortening  (This is what I used)
You may substitute 2 tablespoon butter if you like
about 1 cup of white wine
Method:  In a bowl of a food Processor add your flour, sugar, salt and pulse.  Add your shortening or butter and mix.   Add your liquid a little at a time until your dough comes together like a pie crust.  Should just take a few seconds.  Carefully remove your dough ball onto a floured surface.  Roll over once with some additional flour if necessary so your dough doesn't stick to your hands.  Place it in a bowl, covered with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
You will need a rolling pin.  Carefully remove your dough from refrigerator.   Working with a one inch piece at a time.  Roll out a piece of dough into a small circle.  Working from one end, carefully wrap you dough around your metal cannoli form.  Let your end overlap slightly as you roll your dough around the tube.  Your tube will be slightly be exposed on each end as the dough will slightly overlap.  Carefully seal by brushing your egg wash across the seam. 
 Be sure your dough is rolled out as thin as you can get it without breaking and continue in the fashion.  This will keep your cannoli from breaking.
 In the meantime,  heat up some good frying oil about an inch up the pan.  Your cannoli's do not have to be submerged in oil while frying.  You will have better control this way. 

To remove the cannoli from the metal tube, carefully remove your cannoli from the hot oil and let drain on paper towels to cool.  When cool enough to handle (just a few minutes should do),  Carefully squeeze the very end of the exposed metal tube above the Cannoli.  The cannoli now should slip right off. 

 Keep your cannoli shells  frying 2 at a time.  You will notice tiny bubbles forming on the shell itself.  This is what you want to have happen.  This is a reaction the oil has with the wine in the batter.  It causes a light, crisp shell to form.  This is the ideal cannoli.   Do not try to overcrowd the pan.   You should only fry about 30 seconds on each side.  They will cook quickly because they are so thin.  Be sure your dough is rolled out as thin as you can get it.   Fry until golden by gently turning the cannoli's once in the hot oil.

It's best to let them cool and use them right away.  If you are doing this the day before, you can make the cream filling, but do not fill them until you are ready to serve them.  This will ensure they don't get soggy. 
For the cream:
One pastry bag with a small tip on end
1  container Whole milk Ricotta (15oz),  drained  (store variety is fine).
3/4 cup of confectioners sugar
2 cups whipped cream with pinch of confectioners sugar
1 tablespoon Vanilla extract (Good Bourbon Vanilla)

Method:  Carefully whip your cream to stiff, fluffy peaks.
In a bowl combine your Ricotta, sugar, vanilla and set aside.  Carefully fold your whipped cream into your ricotta mixture a little at a time.  You should get a beautiful, fluffy, consistency. Place in your refrigerator until you are ready to use.  It doesn't take long to make at all.  You can make it in just a few minutes. 
Carefully fill your pastry bag with the cream filling.  Slowly insert the tip into one end of your Cannoli and fill to the opposite end.  Keep going until they are all filled.   Serve immediately.  They can be made up to several hours in advance.  It is best to fill your Cannoli's and serve.   Top the ends off with chocolate chips if you like.   Enjoy! Buon Appetito

Special note:  If you want a more flavorful Cannoli shell try adding a teaspoon of Cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder to your batter in your food processor.  If you do not get at least 12 shells from this batter, you have not rolled out the dough thin enough.  Just keep trying.  Practice makes perfect!  Follow the steps above for the shells.  


Risa said...

For the shells, your recipe says "1 cup of 1/3 cup unbleached flour". What does that mean? Is it 1 cup or 1/3 cup? Your recipe sounds awesome, and I would love to try it. Please clarify. Thank you.

Sunday at the Giacometti's said...

I am so sorry Risa, I have clarified that I hope. you need 1 1/3 cup of extra for your board. HOpe that helps.
I know it does not sound like a lot however you must roll it out very thin and wrap it carefully around the tube. Let me know if that helps. Can't wait to see them. Also, it's about 1 cup of white wine. You may need a little less or more depending on your altitude. Might require a slight adjustment. Just add enough wine until it comes together like a pie crust would. It will be soft. Good luck.

Kimby said...

I'm so glad I picked this post to catch up on... :) These look WONDERFUL and I've always wanted to try making them. Loved your story about never having to make them prior to this!

Leslie said...

Hi Barbara!
I have an award for you over on my blog. I hope that you'll stop by to have a look at it. I absolutely love your blog and your recipes!

Leslie ~

Unknown said...

I love the way you make this sound so easy to make! They look wonderful! I'm definitely going to but the metal tubes so I can make these at home. Thank you for sharing on my page for Thursday's Treasures. I'm going to pin this. <3 and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the repost Barbara...and you're my hero! Brava for making these!

Arty Auntie said...

Barbara, I am so happy to have your step-by-step to making homemade cannoli. I am anxious to try! I am 'dough challenged' but will give it my best shot. Resharing on my blog and my FB 'Kitchen' page! ~~Aunt Betty

~Paola~ said...

Hello Barbara,
I just happened to find your awesome blog by totally a sheer chance...I wasn't looking for anything in particular and when your blog popped up I took a double take ;o) You name is Paola GIACOMETTI...AND I own exactly same espresso cup you are showing above filled with chocolate ice cream isn;t all of this weird?? lol Anyways I will absolutly follow your blog now.... I am writing from BC, Canada but I am originally from Bologna, married a Giacometti from Treviso...
What about you?
I think this awesome'discovery' was ment to happen...♥
Blessings...Ciao e spero di leggerti presto!

Paola Giacometti

Sunday at the Giacometti's said...

Buon Giorno Paola,
Thank you for your kind comments. There are many Giacometti's all over Italy. I do not believe this family is as far North as Treviso, but anything is possible. So nice to find you. There are many Giacometti's in New York/ New Jersey too. Many have found their way to my page on facebook too. You just never know. My husbands family is from Rome Originally then Ascoli Piceno. Hope that helps. You might have to ask an elder family member of yours if there is any connection. I live in Tupelo, MS at the moment and teach Cooking. Auguri! Barbara
You can find me on Facebook