Sunday, April 21, 2013

Oven Roasted Baby Back Pork Ribs with Fennel and Herbs (Costine di Maiale con finocchio e erbe aromatiche)

These Ribs are quite fragrant while cooking.  In the time it takes to have a cocktail and set the table, they are ready.  I had planned on making these outside, but when the weather turned rainy, it was time for plan B.  Enjoy.
Place your ribs in a zip lock with a cup of  white wine and herbs.  You may use red wine if that's what's on hand.  Just use whatever it is you are going to serve. 
 Move the wine around the bag and all over the ribs.  Gently lay the bag in the refrigerator on a plate for 2 hours.
Remove the bag from the refrigerator and let rest 30 minutes before you are planning on making this dish.
One rack of Baby Back Pork ribs
One deep roasting pan large enough to accommodate your ingredients
2 teaspoons  salt
2 teaspoons of pepper
2 tablespoons if olive oil
One small fennel bulb
2  large carrots cut up
One clove of garlic
One cup of white wine
2 sprigs  of thyme
2 rosemary sprigs

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.
Gently remove your ribs from the bag.  Discard your liquid. Reserve your herbs.
 Split your garlic and rub your ribs on both sides with garlic.  Salt and pepper your Ribs on both sides.
 Cut up your vegetables and toss. Lay your vegetables  in a roasting pan.  Lay your Ribs right on top of your vegetables.  Add some potatoes cut up to about the same size if you like.
Bake in a preheated, 375 degree oven for one hour.  Make adjustments for convection cooking .
Remove from the oven and cover loosely with foil.  Let rest 10 minutes before serving.
To serve, just cut apart the ribs and serve with your roasted vegetables. 

Wine suggestion?  Any light, dry red will do.  Enjoy!
Buon  Appetito! .

Quick Lentil Soup (Pink Lentils or Red Lentils)

This is what happens when you send your husband (without a list),  to the grocery.  He comes home with the most interesting  things.  He had read about these pink lentils and wanted to give them a try.    These lentils are skinless.  They require a quick rinse and into the pan they go.  The best part, they cook up fast.  High in Protein, it's the perfect substitute,  when you are craving a meatless dish.   I had used them in the previous weeks just like this. I had a little over a cup remaining in the pantry and with all this broth to use up, why not?
Recipe:  3 tablespoons Olive oil
One 5 quart (deep) pot (to accommodate the lentil soup)
1teaspoons salt
1/2 cup of white wine
5 large cloves of garlic ( cut in half pieces large enough to remove them later).
About 4  cups of broth to cover your lentils while cooking
Method:  Heat your olive oil to medium.  Add your garlic and toss them in your pan to coat. Cook until fragrant.  Quickly add your Lentils as soon as you begin to smell your garlic.  You can either discard your garlic here, before you add your lentils or leave them in the pan and discard later.  I like to leave them throughout the cooking process as it continually adds fabulous flavor to the lentils. 
Add your salt.
Add your wine and let evaporate.  Let it be almost dry before adding your broth.
Add your broth to cover by several inches.  Simmer and cook for 20 minutes or so.  Your liquid will be reduced by half and your lentils will plump up.  You will notice a color change too.  These lentils are actually yellowish when cooked. 
Serve with pieces of toasted Baguette slices that have been smothered in garlic right from your cooking liquid.
Thyme and parsley are wonderful herbs to add in this dish.
Keep Simmering away until you can see your Lentils. 
Remove your Garlic pieces before serving.  Ladle into Bowls and Serve.  Buon Appetito!

Zuppa Di Pesce (Italian Fish Soup)

This is a great dish that varies by region in Italy. My version is a blend of two regions, Lazio and Campagna. Since I am married to a Roman and my Father was from Amalfi, it all makes perfect sense.
Traditionally a soup invented by Fishmongers, whom by the end of a work day, might have some fish leftover, that they did not sell during the day. .  Letting nothing go to waste, it would come home with them for supper.  Zuppa  Di pesce  was born.  This hearty,  fish soup, serves 4.  Use your fork to remove the goodness from inside the shells.  Yes, your hands will get dirty from dipping some bread right into the soup.  Who could resist? Enjoy!  A light, Pinot Grigio is perfect accompaniment .
8 ounces baby clams
8 ounces mussels
8 ounces squid
12 ounces cod filets or any thick filet such as monkfish or Boston Scrod.  (They don't have to be expensive).
1/2 cup diced Spanish onion
2 cloves of garlic diced
3 tablespoons olive oil plus one tablespoon for later in the recipe when you are adding your onions to the pan.
One heavy 8 qt Dutch oven
Tablespoon tomato paste 
2 cups diced tomato ( puréed in the blender
One cup of  dry white wine
3 cups of water or Fish stock (Homemade, made with shells of Shrimp, crab, etc., brought to a boil and strained through a sieve).
2 teaspoons salt
One teaspoon pepper
One teaspoon red pepper flakes
Or one chili pepper, scraped
Heat your oil in  your Dutch oven.  When your oil is hot, cook your squid until opaque, in about 5 or 6 minutes.  Turning them gently, once or twice.  (All fish cooks at a different rate.  It's not good to throw everything into the pot at once. You will end up with a rubbery result that will not be edible.  Fish is tricky and requries patience).
 About 5-6 minutes.  Remove from pan. Add your mussels and after a few minutes your  clams and cook until clams and mussels  fully open in About 6-7 minutes.  Add your wine and a pinch of salt.  Your chili pepper or red pepper flakes. Let evaporate until about a 1/3 of the liquid is left in the pan and all your shells are open.

Remove from pan and drain your remaining liquid.and reserve with your clams and squid.  Add one tablespoon more olive oil and heat.  Add your onions and garlic.  Cook until fragrant and slighlty golden, being careful not to burn.  At this point, when your oil is hot, add your paste, sauté for a few minutes, then add your tomatoes  and cook . Cook until your liquid reduces some, about 6-8 minutes..  Add your fish back to the Pan and mix.  Add your water and mix again.  At this point add your filets of Cod.  Do not cut them up.

You don't want it to disintegrate while cooking. It is absolutely wrong to cut them into chunks.   You just want it to seperate in your cooking liquid. Submerge than gently and give them mix. 
Cook for approximately 10-12  minutes more on low-medium heat.  Your fish filets will break away gently on their own.  Your liquid will thicken some too.  Approximate cooking time is about 30 minutes from start to finish.

This is one of those dishes that can be quite intimidating to make.  When you taste how good this is, you will make it again and again.
 Timing is everything. I have always ordered this in a restaurant, thinking its just to tedious to make.  Not true, just takes determination.  Traditionally served over crusty , bread pieces, it's hard to pass up.  Buon appetito!
Special Note:  If you are using Frozen products, such as clams in water, mussels, cod, etc. Be sure to look for products that are frozen in their natural state and are preserved as naturally as possible.  This can be tricky, but not impossible.    Always rinse off their liquid.  There are many good quality,frozen seafood products out there.  Yes, fresh is always best and the way they make this in Italy.  Don't  give up hope.   If these items are not available to you fresh.  It still may be worth  a try.  The result may surprise you.  Buon Appetito!