Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Risotto al Merluzzo e Peperoni (Codfish and roasted Red Peppers)

Who said there was nothing for dinner?
This is what happens when you only have one of everything left in the refrigerator and freezer.   One piece of codfish, One roasted red Pepper, some extra Roasted yellow pepper and some good salty Sicilian capers, yields one great Risotto.
Serves 4 people
Ingredients:  One 12 oz piece of codfish
2 cups of Arborio rice
3 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons white onion
2 tablespoons salty capers
1-2 roasted red and yellow peppers, drained and cut up
4-5 cups vegetable or fish stock heated
one cup of white wine
In a deep skillet or Risotto pan, heat your oil.  Saute your onion until fragrant.  Cut up your fish into 1 inch bite size cubes.  Saute in your pan until opaque.  Add 1/2 cup of white wine and let evaporate.   Remove your fish from the pan and set aside.  In the same pan, add your rice and mix.  Add another 1/2 cup of white wine and let the wine evaporate some.  Begin adding your liquid.  Keep adding  in your liquid,  a cup at a time. Let each evaporate some after each addition.

 Keep cooking in the same fashion for approximately 18 minutes.  Make sure your liquid is evaporating in a slow steady pace. You want it boiling away on medium/ low.   Add your fish, peppers, capers, back to the pan and continue to stir for two more minutes.   Turn your heat off and let rest for approximately 5 minutes before serving. 

Give it another stir and place in serving bowls.  Serve topped with some fresh parsley and a great big glass of Pinot Grigio.  Buon Appetito.


Silvia said...

So delicious, Barbara!

Sunday at the Giacometti's said...

Thank you Silvia. I hope you get to try it. All that wonderful fish you can get. You are so lucky. Any meaty fish will do. Enjoy! What are you cooking today?