Saturday, December 10, 2016

Spaghetti wilth clam and Mussel Sauce (al Sugo di Vongole e Cozze).

The wonderful thing about the Italian kitchen is its versatility.  Fresh clams and Mussels are incredibly easy to use.  Just takes a little time to clean and prepare.  Many come already cleaned by your fish Monger.  For those of you of course, who just can't stand the thought.  All they really need is a gentle rinse.  Have your Fish store Advise you on proper care.  
  This is yet another tasty dish I love to make, especially in Summer, as it cooks up fast and will delight the most discriminating pallet.  Enjoy!
Ingredients for 4-6 people
One pound little neck clams or any small clam
One pound black mussels
Handful of fresh parsley
2 cloves garlic diced
4 tablespoons olive oil
One teaspoons salt
One teaspoon pepper
2 cups of fresh tomatoes and their juice (store bought canned is fine if fresh is not on hand)
1/2 cup white wine
One pound Di Cecco Spaghetti (or any good quality pasta)
Large pasta pot with 8 quarts water
One tablespoon plus 1/2 tablespoon salt

Method: If you are using fresh clams and mussels, make sure your shellfish is clean and ready. Gently remove any grit with a brush from the shells and place them in a chilled bowl.
In a large skillet, heat your oil.  Add your garlic and saute until fragrant.  Add your mussels and clams at the same time.  Quickly add your lid.  Wait 5 minutes and lift your lid from the pan.  You will begin to notice that most of your shellfish has opened.  Add your wine and place your lid back on the pan for 5 more minutes.  Remove your lid, turn your heat down and remove all your mussels and clams from the pan.  Do not worry if some of the liquid is going in the bowl too.  You will have about a half a cup. 
At this point add another tablespoon of oil to the same pan and heat.  Add your tomatoes (I like to puree mine in the blender), continue to cook until your tomatoes are fragrant and reduced (about 7-8 minutes on medium).
When you see a ring of oil iss formed around the pan, its time to add your shellfish back to the pan.  Give it a mix and let reduce 5 more minutes.

I like to remove some of my empty shells.   I leave about half intact for presentation and flavor.
Cook you pasta until just al dente, toss with your sauce add your parsley and serve. Buon Appetito

*Special Note:  If you are using frozen clams and mussels, the method is quite the same.  Your cooking time will reduce by about 5 minutes.  Give them a quick rinse and discard any shells you see cracked.  They will be surprisingly delicious. *


Sue/the view from great island said...

Delicious! And I love your bowls ;)

Proud Italian Cook said...

That looks amazing, I'm drooling here!

Anonymous said...

This looks fabulous! I love all that shellfish...

Jasline @ Foodie Baker said...

I love mussels! This dish looks amazing and delicious!

Gold For Runescape said...

I like mussels! This plate seems amazing and also tasty!cheap runescape gold

Unknown said...

Yum!! I love fresh shellfish!