Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Best Chicken Broth (Oven Method)

Who can remember watching those PBS cooking shows here in the States in the late 1970's and early 1980's?  Mom's favorite? Believe it or not, it was the Frugal Gourmet.
Jeff Smith, was an interesting character in his approach to cooking.  I recall how fascinating it was to watch him work his magic on the kitchen.  Although he wasn't Italian, he had a great appreciation for Italian food.  He believed minimizing ingredients helped to maximize flavor.   It was never about several hundred ingredients in a recipe.  It was about the freshness of seasonal ingredients.
Thankfully, I was paying attention. His methods for cooking a deep, rich,  broth was quite inspiring.  Use the same method when making Beef or Veal stock. Oven Roasting gives "Character" to a soup,  great color, flavor and richness.  It's great for using in recipes all week long.  You can freeze it for later to use in risotto's or adding richness to sauces.
Place your cleaned, dried, chicken parts in a roasting pan. Add any vegetables you like to use .   Here is what I used:
Preheat ur oven to 500 low broil.  If u don't have low broil, try 400 broil, but keep a watchful eye on it, u don't want it to blacken. 
4 chicken legs with half the skin removed
I large  red onion
2 large carrots
1 large stalk celery
Bouquet of various fresh herbs tied together
I used parsley and celery leaves
5 small red potatoes
Place in a preheated, 500 degree oven and hit the broil button .  Leave in the oven a good 10 minutes , being  careful not to burn .   Leave until everything is shiny and golden some, not blackened.  Depending on your oven, it might take a little longer .

Place  a large soup pot on the stove.  Drain your chicken and vegetables and place directly in the pot.   Add 1 teaspoon salt.  Add water to cover.  You should cover your ingredients with water by a good 3 inches or so.  Bring to a simmer. After about 2 hours, it's ready.  You will see a deep, rich, dark golden color.  Let cool and store away for future use in your freezer. Reserve your chicken meat to use in a salad for a light supper, tossed with olive oil and garlic and parsley.
I had another motive.  A bowl of chicken soup for lunch!  Who could resist?  Buon appetito!


Laney said...

I've always wanted to try making broth this way - you've inspired me to to go for it and give it a whirl! Thinking of your mom...hope she's on the mend...

Sunday at the Giacometti's said...

This method really does make a difference when it comes to color and overall intensity of flavor. It's also very easy as it all can go from oven to stove rather quickly. Thank you for the well wishes. Mom is doing great in rehab so far.